Poster Competition We welcome applications from final-year undergraduate, masters and doctoral students, as well as early career researchers. The ‘Women and Worlds of Learning’ conference is dedicated to the promotion of PGR and ECR research. We are running a poster…
Author: Elena Rossi
Pascal Theatre Company: Celebrating remarkable 19th century women in Bloomsbury: March talks
Pascal Theatre Company is running a two-year Lottery Heritage Funded project: Women for Women: 19th century women in Bloomsbury. The aim of the project is to highlight some key women who lived, worked, studied or networked in Bloomsbury, London, exploring…
This free one-day workshop will bring together researchers interested in young people’s experiences of leaving home and striving for independence in the post-war decades. It will foreground methods and sources for researching seemingly mundane aspects of everyday life, such as…
The public country house: ‘Treasure of quiet beauty’ or a site for public histories?
The British country house: family home or public cultural asset? Glorious exemplar of historic taste or contested site of public history? A visually enthralling historic stage set, or a site to inform understanding of our national histories? There are millions…
Call for expressions of Interest : SHAW Steering Committee
SHAW Steering Committee Vacancies 2023-4 The Society for the History of Women in the Americas (SHAW) is a diverse scholarly association dedicated to the historical investigation related to the history of women and gender non-conforming individuals in the Americas. SHAW…
Women and the Natural World: Historical Perspectives on Nature, Climate and Environmental Change, WESWWHN Annual Conference UPDATE
Owing to the train strike planned for 30 September 2023, the one day conference ‘Women and the Natural World: Historical Perspectives on Nature, Climate and Environmental Change’, will now be held on Zoom and not at Exeter Central Library. The…
Anne Lister Research Summit 2023
The Anne Lister Research Summit is a free online conference that brings people together to share knowledge and develop collaborations across many time zones over the course of two days. Sessions include a mix of facilitated discussions, workshops, and showcases…
Women and Words of Learning: From the Medieval to the Modern Day
Call for Papers: Women and Worlds of Learning: From the Medieval to the Modern Day 12th-13th April 2024 Oxford Since the emergence of universities, women have been involved in networks of higher education. ‘Women and Worlds of Learning’ aims to…
Women and the Natural World: Historical Perspectives on Nature Climate and Environmental Change, WESWWHN Annual Conference
‘Women and the Natural World: Historical Perspectives on Nature Climate and Environmental Change’ is a one day conference. The key note speaker is Professor Nicola Whyte, University of Exeter, on ‘Landscape, Memory and the Life-course in the Travel Writing of…