Calls for Papers

CFP: XXIInd CISH Congress,Towards a Global History of the Girl

XXIInd CISH Congress, Jinan, China
23 to 29 August 2015,

In recent years, there has been a steady accumulation of publications on the history of the girl. Historians of women have begun to utilise age as a category of analysis and to recognise that the history of girls is distinct from that of women. Similarly, historians of youth have identified the different experiences of and divergent attitudes to male and female youth. The history of the girl has also an important contemporary relevance as the role and education of young women remains a controversial subject in many societies and countries.
The aim of this session is to bring together scholars working in the field and to identify common themes and differences in the history of the girl across the world. In order to establish some cohesion for the discussion the focus will be on girls aged from early adolescence to the early 20s.

Paper proposals are welcome on all periods of time as well as from as wide a geographical span as possible. We would like to ensure that the final selection of papers fulfils the aim of the meeting to explore a global history of girls. Topics to be discussed include:

Public discourses on girls
Girls and the family
The culture of adolescent girls
Coming of age
Sex education
Debates on the education of girls
Dress and fashion
Girls’ work
Consumerism and girls
The ‘modern girl’
Representations of girls
Literature and writing for girls

Paper proposals should be sent to: Professor Mary O’Dowd, Address : School of History and Anthropology, Queen’s University of Belfast, Belfast BT7 1NN United Kingdom. Proposals should be a maximum of 2500 characters – 350 words and should be sent with a short biographical note to the organizers and to the Secretary General Robert Frank sgcish1@gmail.comby the 30th November 2013.