Women and the Making of Art History Since the publication of Linda Nochlin’s groundbreaking ‘Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?’ (1971), feminist art historians have led a revolutionary movement to review women’s and gender roles in art practices.…
Category: Calls for Papers
Category for all conference listings which are calls for papers
Infants and Institutions: Representations and Memories of Residential Homes in Twentieth-Century Europe
CALL FOR PAPERS International Conference funded by AHRC Network Grant ‘Institutions and Infant Care. Foundling Homes and Residential Homes for Babies in Twentieth Century Europe’. London Foundling Museum, 15-16 May 2025 Keynote speakers: Prof. Clair Wills, University of Cambridge, UK…
Sayers in the 21st Century
CALL FOR PAPERS Sayers in the 21st Century 11 October, 2024 Proposals are invited for this one-day seminar to be held at the Institute of Advanced Studies (UCL) London, on the above date. The seminar aims to bring together early…
Feminisms and Politics in Interwar Balkans and East-Central Europe, November 28-30, Rethymno Greece
Feminisms and Politics in Interwar Balkans and East – Central Europe November 28-30, 2024, University of Crete, Campus of Gallos, Rethymnο We are pleased to announce a call for papers for the upcoming conference “Feminisms and Politics in Interwar Balkans…
Women, Money and Markets Symposium, June 13th and 14th 2024
Women, Money and Markets Annual Symposium University of Sussex, Brighton June 13th and 14th 2024 This year’s symposium will address themes including consumerism, shopping, global trade, domestic trade, markets (literary and otherwise), currency, and varying practices of exchange. Our annual symposium is…
Women and Words of Learning: From the Medieval to the Modern Day – Poster Competition
Poster Competition We welcome applications from final-year undergraduate, masters and doctoral students, as well as early career researchers. The ‘Women and Worlds of Learning’ conference is dedicated to the promotion of PGR and ECR research. We are running a poster…
This free one-day workshop will bring together researchers interested in young people’s experiences of leaving home and striving for independence in the post-war decades. It will foreground methods and sources for researching seemingly mundane aspects of everyday life, such as…
(CfP) Beyond the Fragments: 45 Years On – deadline 1 Feb
Beyond the Fragments: 45 Years On Friday 28 June 2024 People’s History Museum, Manchester Keynote speakers: Sheila Rowbotham, Lynne Segal, and Hilary Wainwright 2024 marks the 45th anniversary of the publication of the seminal socialist-feminist text, Beyond the Fragments: Feminism…
The public country house: ‘Treasure of quiet beauty’ or a site for public histories?
The British country house: family home or public cultural asset? Glorious exemplar of historic taste or contested site of public history? A visually enthralling historic stage set, or a site to inform understanding of our national histories? There are millions…