The Women’s History Network is offering three WHN fellowships to support ECRs. Each fellowship is designed to provide financial support to those who have completed their doctorate but are yet to secure their first academic post. The fellowship includes:
- A bursary of £1500 (paid in two instalments of £750) which can be used in any way that enables the Fellow to sustain their role as a writer and researcher. This might for example include paying copyright fees for images for a publication, visits to archives, childcare, living expenses, conference attendance, subscriptions to online archives or for technical equipment or support.
- Expenses of up to £250 for each Fellow to organise an event or online activity which will connect ECRs working in Women’s History, or to promote the work of WHN through a public engagement activity.
A stipend of up to £250 to attend and present at the WHN Annual conference in September 2021.
- The deadline for applications is 1 Augustand the result will be communicated to the successful applicants by 1 September. Fellowships will last from 1 October 2020 – 30 September 2021.
Enquiries about the Fellowships may be sent to Prof. Maggie Andrews, the Chair of the WHN, and submissions made electronically to
Members of the selection committee will be drawn from the Women’s History Network’s Steering Committee.
- The fellowships are open to anyone within seven years of completing their PhD (not including career breaks).
- They are only open to those who arenot in full time academic employment.
- Those awarded Fellowships will be expected to write a WHN blog post at the end of year and present a paper at the 2020 WHN Annual Conference (the costs of attending the conference will be covered as part of the Fellowship).
- Any publications or outputs that result from the Fellowship should include an acknowledgement of funding received from the Women’s History Network.
- If candidates are not based in the UK they will need to be very explicit in explaining how their research and their proposed activities will directly benefit the work undertaken by the Women’s History Network which is based in the UK.
- Applicants must be members of the Women’s History Network at the time of application. Members of the current Women’s History Network Steering Committee are ineligible to apply.
- To join the Women’s History Network UK please go to