10:30-3:15 Saturday 21st March 2015 at Bantock House Museum, Finchfield Road, Wolverhampton, WV3 9LQ
2015 is the centenary of the formation of the Women’s Institute Movement in Britain and the publication of the Maternity Letters by the Women’s Co-Operative Guild. To commemorate these events, this Conference aims to bring together anyone who is interested in women who organised themselves and others during WW1.
We invite abstracts of 200-300 words for proposed papers on women who organised to support or oppose the war, to improve women’s working conditions, their leisure or domestic lives. Please send via email attachment to Professor Maggie Andrews at maggie.andrews@worc.ac.uk by 15 January 2015.
This Conference is organised by: The Midlands Region of the Women’s History Network, The University of Worcester and the Voices of War and Peace: the Great War and its Legacy Community Engagement Centre.
Conference Fee £10 to include lunch. Conference will finish at 3:15. Student Bursaries available to book a place please contact jan.lomas@gmail.com