This information is reprinted from the British Serb Magazine, this section of which was sent to WHN Blog by Zvezdana Popovic. She has been assiduous in keeping the WHN informed of these activities for which I am grateful. Robin Joyce…
Tag: WW1
The First Female African- American Pilot
This article was sent from Jay Khan at Fact Sumo, a digital learning company. It is published in the same way that ‘tasters’ from published works are posted. That is, to alert readers to possibilities that might be of interest.…
Katrina Lockwood: The Mystery of Isabella an the String of Beads A Woman Doctor In World War 1
Book review by Robin Joyce Publisher: Loke Press Author: Katrina Kirkwood Sold on Amazon and at good bookstores. The back-cover blurb tells us: It was the inscription that made the antique scalpels so tantalising: ‘Isabella Stenhouse’. A woman doctor? A…
The Mystery of Isabella and the String of Beads: A Woman Doctor in WW1
The following is an excerpt from Katrina Kirkwood’s book, The Mystery of Isabella and the String of Beads: A woman Doctor in WW1. Information about Katrina Kirkwood and her book was published on the blog on 13 march 2017. The book…
Women doctors in WW1: fighting to do their bit
Katrina Kirkwood’s ‘Women doctors in WW1: fighting to do their bit’, could be read in conjunction with the information provided by Zvezdana Popovic and recently publicised in the WHN blog (Deeds Not Words). A ‘Taster ‘ from Kirkwood’s book, The Mystery of Isabella and…
The Women’s Royal Naval Service, a history of female military exclusion and inclusion Dr Hannah Roberts For the past seven years I have been writing my PhD part-time alongside a full-time teaching career. The thesis covers the history of the Women’s Royal…
Revisiting Home Fronts: Gender, War & Conflict – Part 3
Everyday life had to go on, despite the challenges, privations and sorrows of this new kind of ‘total’ war. Yet it is clear that whichever combatant nation one looks at, there was a diversity of experience on the home front dependent on place – hence local home fronts – but also on class, on age, and particularly on gender. And that these experiences varied over time.
Women as Renegades – Fighting for Peace during War
The challenge women made to the establishment in rejecting the call to support the war is an area rich in history. It confirms that exploration of the reasons for women to take a stand that put them at odds not only with government but with women who sided with the war effort is esential for undertanding women’s activism during wartime.
MARY QUAILE – Activist, Agitator, Trade Unionist
Mary Quaile Early in the 1900s, Mary Quaile arrived with her family in Manchester. They had come from Dublin, and Mary became a stalwart in the labour movement in Manchester. She led a café waitresses’ strike, going on to work…