
Women and Money: A Historical Perspective, WESWWHN Annual Conference 15 October 2022

The 29th Annual Conference of the West of England and South Wales Women’s History Network explores ‘Women and Money: A historical perspective’.  The keynote speaker is  Dr Helen Doe, University of Exeter on ‘Women in Business or Businesswomen?’ There are sessions on women as investors, earners and traders from the early modern to the twentieth century.

‘Women and Money: A Historical Pespective is on Saturday 15 October 2022, 9.30 am to 4.10 pm, at the Bristol Central Friends’ Meeting House, Champion Square, Bristol BS2 9DB. All are welcome.

For programme and booking details see the WESWHWN website

Picture Credit:

Bank of England Archive, ‘Bank evacuation to Hurstbourne, Hampshire during the Second World War – Fanfold Typewriting Offices, [1939-45], Licence (CC BY-ND 2.0)