Fellowships and Grants, Prizes

Women’s History Network Independent Researcher Grants for 2023/24

The Women’s History Network is offering a small grant of up to £750 to support the direct costs of those researching women’s history outside of academia. While applicants may be in possession of a degree or postgraduate qualification, the grants are intended to support research into women’s history by Independent scholars. We would therefore anticipate that the research would result in at least one tangible output (e.g. a publication, a museum exhibition, a podcast, etc) for a general audience. Early Career Researchers (with our without a current institutional affiliation) intending to pursue an academic career should see our ECR Fellowship.

The grant is available to cover research costs, which may include: travel and accommodation when visiting archives; conference attendance costs; or photocopying or photographic licences required for work in archives; transcription services; subscriptions to online databases. Your proposal should detail how funds will be spent.

The award made will not cover: Equipment costs; Subsistence costs (i.e. food and drink); Administration costs or Salary costs.

All applicants should complete the application form and submit it along with a one page CV to WHNprizesandgrants@gmail.com . Queries about the scheme can be directed to the same address.

The deadline for applications is 1 August and the result will be communicated to the successful applicants by 1 September. Applications will be assessed by current members of the WHN Steering Committee. The duration of the Fellowship is 1 October 2023 to 30 September 2024.


  • We welcome proposals on any aspect of women’s history or gender history (though strongly focused on women), and particularly encourage applications on topics outside the Anglophone world and/or modern period.
  • The grant is open to those working or volunteering in public, popular or community history roles, including (but not limited to) museums and the heritage sector. Applications can be made as individuals or as a group; if a group application is made, CVs should be attached for all members of the group.
  • The grant is not open to current postgraduate students; those working in research or teaching posts in higher education, or those in receipt of a pension from a full time academic post.
  • Applications will be assessed by current members of the WHN Steering Committee. We will primarily assess the quality of the proposal but we will also take into account the value for money set out in the costings. Applicants should note that in recent years, because of the volume of applications received and the desire to support as many projects as possible, awards of £500 or less have typically been made.
  • Research Projects must take place between 1 October 2023 and 30 September 2024.
  • Those awarded a research grant will be expected to write a WHN blog post by June 2023 and will be expected to contribute to the 2023—24 online seminar series, either by presenting a paper and/or by chairing a session.
  • Any publications or outputs that result from the grant mustinclude an acknowledgement of funding received from the Women’s History Network.
  • Applicants must be members of the Women’s History Network at the time of submitting their application. Members of the current Women’s History Network Steering Committee are ineligible to apply. To join the Women’s History Network UK please go to womenshistorynetwork.org

Please complete Independent research grant application form and send it, along with a one page CV for all applicants, to WHNprizesandgrants@gmail.com by 1 August 2023. We will acknowledge receipt of your application; if you have not received confirmation within 7 working days please resend.