Women’s History Today is read by professional and amateur historians alike and is designed for anyone with a keen interest in women’s and gender history. Each issue contains a variety of articles, book reviews and other material that we believe will be of interest to our readership. Three issues of the journal are published each year: Spring, Summer and Autumn/Winter.
An online version of Women’s History Today is made available to all members of the Women’s History Network, and members may also elect to receive a hard-copy printed version of the journal, by paying a higher rate of membership. Each copy of the journal may also be purchased separately, either as an online pdf version, or as a printed magazine, but please note that hard-copy versions are subject to availability.
Since June 2020, archive copies of journals produced by the Women’s History Network (issues that are more than 18 months old) are available to the wider public via Open Access. To access these, please visit the ‘Download Journal PDF’ page.
Contributor Guidelines
Women’s History Today seeks to publish new and ongoing research into all aspects of women’s history. We aim to provide a forum for developing ideas and sharing approaches to women’s history.
We welcome contributions from established academics, less experienced scholars, postgraduate students and people from beyond academia. As well as academic articles, which are peer reviewed and subject to editorial standards, we also welcome articles about funded research projects, about using archives to explore women’s history and about community/public history projects that focus on women’s and gender history.
Academic articles submitted to Women’s History Today must not have been published elsewhere. We do not pay authors for contributions. Please read our Guidelines for Contributors before submitting your work. Please email your submission, as a Word attachment, to: editor@womenshistorynetwork.org For non-academic feature articles, please contact the editor direct.
Women’s History Today editorial team is: Kate Murphy, Kate Terkanian, Samantha Hughes-Johnson, Angela Platt, Catia Rodrigues, Amanda Norman and Joy Burgess.
To contact, please email:
Lead Editor – Kate Murphy: editor@womenshistorynetwork.org
Book Reviews – Catia Rodrigues: bookreviews@womenshistorynetwork.org