A Soviet Union trade union delegation visited Britain 30 December 1941 -9 February 1942, touring factories and other workplaces around the country. This photograph shows their visit to a cotton mill in Lancashire. In London, the delegation met the Prime Minister…
Tag: archive
Women’s History Month: 100 Years of International Women’s Day
Glasgow Women’s Library holds archival material documenting the celebration of International Women’s Day. Here are just a couple of examples picked from our collections: In 1975 International Women’s Day was given official recognition by the United Nations. This edition of…
Women’s History Month: from the TUC Library Collections
Boatwomen Training Scheme, 1943. In 1941, Frances Marian ‘Molly’ Traill approached the Ministry of War Transport with a scheme to train women boat crews to help the country with its shortage of manpower on the canals. The Ministry was impressed…