Women and the Making of Art History
Since the publication of Linda Nochlin’s groundbreaking ‘Why Have There Been No
Great Women Artists?’ (1971), feminist art historians have led a revolutionary
movement to review women’s and gender roles in art practices. However, many
other women during, and before, the twentieth century had contributed to the
(re)shaping of art history as a discipline.
To celebrate women working in art history, Women’s History Today invites
contributions to the topic of Women and the Making of Art History. We particularly
encourage submissions on historical discussions of women as pioneering and/or
distinctive art historians, curators, collectors, critics and educators.
We welcome articles on the topic from a global perspective and from a variety of
historical eras. Women’s History Today also encourages and supports submissions
from PhD students new to publishing. Contributions can be either academic articles
(6000 to 8000 words), or shorter contributions (1500 to 3000 words) on funded
research projects, on archives or public history activities and events.
Abstracts (250 words) for proposals should be submitted to Catia Rodrigues at
crodrigues@womenshistorytoday.org by 10 January 2025, with initial drafts of
papers due on 28 March 2025.