Event, General, Politics, Women's History

‘As a Woman I have no Country …’

Why it is that US First Ladies are held in such reverance and high esteem, with a prominance not extended, generally, to ‘political wives’ in other countries – Britain, Australia, Aotearoa/New Zealand, France, Germany, the USSR (as it was) was not addressed by the presentations, yet it remains an issue for historical and cultural exploration and analysis.

Biography, Event, Women's History

Sojourner Truth

26 November 1883 Sojourner Truth (born as Isabella Hardenbergh), speaker and preacher, charismatic religious and political leader, died on this day at her home in Battle Creek, Michigan, USA. The day of her death is known but the day of…

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Biography, Women's History

Women’s History Month: Lucille Mathurin-Mair (née Waldrond), 1924-2009: Pioneer of Caribbean Women’s History

 Lucille Mathurin Mair. Source:  The Gleaner, Jamaica, January 31, 2009 http://www.jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/20090131/letters/letters4.html Lucille Mathurin-Mair, who died on January 29th, 2009 aged 85, was a well respected Jamaican historian, author, teacher, activist and diplomat and sustained a deep commitment to women’s rights…

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Biography, Source, Women's History

Slave Narratives

Between 1936 and 1938, the American Works Progress Administration conducted oral histories amongst ex-slaves and the children of slaves across America. This is the story of Ms Holmes. More information and more life histories can be found here.   Ms. Holmes…

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